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Why is Arrowhead Stadium So Loud?

September 22, 2022

If you’re a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, you’re likely aware of the mystique surrounding Arrowhead Stadium. At most, it’s just like any other stadium – the fans are cheering, drinks are flowing, and the vibes are at an all-time high. However, there’s one thing that sets it apart from all others – its noise level!

Not only has Arrowhead been considered the loudest NFL stadium, but it has also been dubbed as the loudest stadium in the entire world. Besides its ability to drive massive crowds to its sports events, you may be wondering – why is Arrowhead Stadium so loud?

Whether you’re a Chiefs fan or simply curious as to why the experience in this stadium is so intense, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why sound skyrockets at this beloved sports center.

Are Chiefs Fans Really the Loudest in the World?

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Once upon a time, Seahawks fans were considered some of the rowdiest sports lovers in the league. This is due to them reaching an ear-shattering decibel level of 137.6 during a 2013 match against the Saints, earning them a Guinness World Record for the loudest stadium in the world. Just one year later, the buck was passed over to the Chiefs – but some people still hold debates over which stadium is really the loudest.

Be that as it may, there’s a reason why the Chiefs have maintained their world record after nearly a decade, and it’s not just the lingering enthusiasm gathered from Mahomes’ 50-touchdown season. Here’s a little more into why the unofficial title of the loudest stadium ever currently belongs to the home of the Kansas City Chiefs.

Over-Hyped Fans

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In 2014, the Kansas City Chiefs broke a record in a game against the Patriots by erupting the world’s loudest crowd roar ever recorded at a sporting event, reaching a whopping 142.2 dbA. For comparison, this sound level is similar to that of a busy aircraft carrier!

This doesn’t happen out of nowhere, however – fans are usually notified before the game starts that the team is trying to break a record. Then, the Jumbotron prompts sports enthusiasts with messages like “Get Loud!” to raise voices and drive adrenaline through the crowd. With a pumping atmosphere like this, fans are happy to oblige in making as much noise as possible.


Architectural Design

Arrowhead Stadium

Built in the late 1960s, Arrowhead Stadium was manufactured with a high-quality experience in mind. Designed specially to enhance crowd noise, the stadium’s concrete seating bowl and metal roof are angled in a way that reflects sound straight back to the center of the stadium. 

What’s more, the seating allows for unobstructed views, which makes great voice projection for fans. That means the players get the maximum effect as they feed off the crowd’s vigorous energy throughout the game – and for that alone, it’s no wonder the Chiefs are known as the biggest tailgating team in the country.

Groundbreaking Plays

Patrick Mahomes

While the crowd might be prompted to make noise from time to time, that doesn’t stop devout Kansas City fans from belting out their cheers during some of the most revolutionary plays from the team. In fact, their 2018-2019 season was one of the most outstanding by far – the season when Patrick Mahomes would become the youngest NFL MVP player since Dan Marino held the title in 1984.

In that season alone, a clever combination of Mahomes and head coach Andy Reid led to a trailblazing offense that brought the team to a 12-4 record, an AFC West Division title, and a win in the playoffs against the Indianapolis Colts. With Mahomes as their studded quarterback, the team continues to make the crowd go wild with fascinating plays.

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